Food supplier for restaurants MARNOVA
Distributors of food products.
What do MARNOVA do?
Company specializing in the marketing and distribution of a variety of dry, fresh and frozen food products for the food sector.
What is the value proposition of MARNOVA?
Quality: The company strives to create value through products of the highest quality possible, always maintaining standards demanding.
Customer Orientation: Recognizes the fundamental importance of customers and is committed to taking measures to ensure their full satisfaction at all times .
Food health: Prioritizes health and food safety in the production and distribution of its products, ensuring their quality and freshness.< /span>
Commitment and professionalism: Cultivate personal relationships based on teamwork, respect and collaboration, encouraging participation and learning continued.
Work ethics: Maintains transparent management, providing complete and useful information, and complying with all laws and regulations. applicable regulations. It is committed to a long-term vision, defending moral integrity, loyalty and respect for all people.
Innovation: Believes in the importance of constant innovation for business progress, continually adapting to changes in the environment and in society.
Profitability: Work to obtain results that allow you to grow sustainably and contribute to the economic and social development of the community
If you are a manager of MARNOVA distributor of Italian gastronomic products and want to add more details about your company, we invite you to contact us via email
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
When did you start in the market?
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Distributors of food products.
What do MARNOVA do?
Company specializing in the marketing and distribution of a variety of dry, fresh and frozen food products for the food sector.
What is the value proposition of MARNOVA?
Quality: The company strives to create value through products of the highest quality possible, always maintaining standards demanding.
Customer Orientation: Recognizes the fundamental importance of customers and is committed to taking measures to ensure their full satisfaction at all times .
Food health: Prioritizes health and food safety in the production and distribution of its products, ensuring their quality and freshness.< /span>
Commitment and professionalism: Cultivate personal relationships based on teamwork, respect and collaboration, encouraging participation and learning continued.
Work ethics: Maintains transparent management, providing complete and useful information, and complying with all laws and regulations. applicable regulations. It is committed to a long-term vision, defending moral integrity, loyalty and respect for all people.
Innovation: Believes in the importance of constant innovation for business progress, continually adapting to changes in the environment and in society.
Profitability: Work to obtain results that allow you to grow sustainably and contribute to the economic and social development of the community
If you are a manager of MARNOVA distributor of Italian gastronomic products and want to add more details about your company, we invite you to contact us via email
When did you start in the market?
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0 Opinion de MARNOVA
- Quality of service
- Quality/Price Ratio
- Punctuality
- Response time
- After-sales attention
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria