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Sausages producer | JAMONES CASTELFRIO

Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 2 Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 3 Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 4 Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 5 Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 6 Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 7 Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 8 Sausages producer | jamones castelfrio | photo 9


Located in Cedrilla, in the province of Teruel, JAMONES CASTELFRÍO is a solid family business, a sausage factory specialising in the artisanal and natural curing of hams, sausages, cured and preserved pork products.

This strong commitment to authenticity and the rural environment is what has driven the Gómez-Gómez family to invest in their land, proudly preserving local traditions and keeping alive a centuries-old legacy of handcrafted products. Authenticity is more than a promise; it is a way of life rooted in their production processes.

The name JAMONES CASTELFRÍO is a direct tribute to the Sierra that, day after day, contemplates the hams as they rest in the drying sheds. The windows of its facilities allow the natural cold to permeate each piece, giving it an unmistakable character and flavour.

Customer loyalty has been a fundamental pillar in the evolution of JAMONES CASTELFRÍO, allowing it to modernise its facilities and improve its processes, all without renouncing the artisan excellence that characterises its production.

The company is distinguished not only by its meticulous attention to quality, but also by its ability to personalise service and establish lasting relationships of trust with its customers.

Its History

Since its foundation in 1988, the Castelfrío sausage factory has maintained a deep connection with its roots and its territory. This commitment has been the compass that has guided the Gómez-Gómez family, driving them to preserve traditional techniques and perpetuate the know-how that has been passed down from generation to generation.


The knowledge accumulated over years of dedication by the master ham makers is reflected in the creation of exceptional pieces, each with a unique character.

Their products are made exclusively from the highest quality raw materials, using pigs protected under the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Jamón de Teruel, as well as carefully selected white pigs to ensure excellence.

Currently, almost 50% of their production is destined for export, with a strong presence in 12 international markets, in addition to Spain.

Among these countries are: Germany, Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Chile, France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine.

Their range of products is divided into the following categories:

- Hams: Gran Reserva, Gran Reserva 50% Duroc, Jamón de Teruel PDO, and Shoulder.

- Sausages: Salchichón, Chorizo, Longaniza de Aragón, and Longaniza without Preservatives.

- Cured Meats: 50% Duroc Cured Loin, 50% Duroc Loin without Preservatives, Beef Cecina, Sheep Cecina, 50% Duroc Pork Neck, and Cured Bacon.

- Preserves: Loin, Longaniza, Rib, and Assorted.

Thanks to meticulous attention to detail and their commitment to quality, the products from this sausage factory not only stand out in the local market but have also earned the recognition and trust of consumers in many corners of the world.

What is the value proposition of JAMONES CASTELFRIO?

Purchasing service

What truly distinguishes JAMONES CASTELFRÍO from its competitors is its innovative online purchasing service, which allows customers not only to purchase its products remotely, but also to customise each piece according to their preferences, selecting the level of fat and texture that best suits their tastes.


Cedrillas, known as ‘the capital of cold’ in Aragon, is distinguished by its extreme winters, where temperatures can drop as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius. 

This harsh climate, combined with the characteristic dryness of the region, creates the ideal conditions for a completely natural and superior quality ham curing process.

Walking through the streets is an incomparable sensory experience: the air is infused with the unmistakable aroma of drying hams.

Traditionally, these hams are placed in the attics of the houses, elevated and ventilated spaces, where they remain until they reach perfection. There is no more delicious aroma than that of ham cured with care, time and tradition.

At Castelfrío, the knowledge of the old master ham makers has endured over the years, passed down from generation to generation. This heritage has allowed us to maintain excellence in the curing of hams, which today continues to be completely natural, making the most of the unique qualities of the environment and capturing in each piece the pure aromas of the surrounding countryside.

The production of these hams is a detailed process based on key pillars: a rigorous selection of raw materials, Welfair animal welfare certification, natural curing, prolonged drying, low salt content and, above all, a tradition that respects every step of the process with dedication and patience.

The prestigious Jamón de Teruel DOP, marketed under the brand name ‘Jamones Perfecto’, has reached a historic milestone by obtaining the highest rating in the Tasting Panel of the Regulatory Council, confirming its position as a benchmark of incomparable quality and flavour.

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Manufacturer / Online Store Manufacturer

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Manufacturer / Online Store Manufacturer


Located in Cedrilla, in the province of Teruel, JAMONES CASTELFRÍO is a solid family business, a sausage factory specialising in the artisanal and natural curing of hams, sausages, cured and preserved pork products.

This strong commitment to authenticity and the rural environment is what has driven the Gómez-Gómez family to invest in their land, proudly preserving local traditions and keeping alive a centuries-old legacy of handcrafted products. Authenticity is more than a promise; it is a way of life rooted in their production processes.

The name JAMONES CASTELFRÍO is a direct tribute to the Sierra that, day after day, contemplates the hams as they rest in the drying sheds. The windows of its facilities allow the natural cold to permeate each piece, giving it an unmistakable character and flavour.

Customer loyalty has been a fundamental pillar in the evolution of JAMONES CASTELFRÍO, allowing it to modernise its facilities and improve its processes, all without renouncing the artisan excellence that characterises its production.

The company is distinguished not only by its meticulous attention to quality, but also by its ability to personalise service and establish lasting relationships of trust with its customers.

Its History

Since its foundation in 1988, the Castelfrío sausage factory has maintained a deep connection with its roots and its territory. This commitment has been the compass that has guided the Gómez-Gómez family, driving them to preserve traditional techniques and perpetuate the know-how that has been passed down from generation to generation.


The knowledge accumulated over years of dedication by the master ham makers is reflected in the creation of exceptional pieces, each with a unique character.

Their products are made exclusively from the highest quality raw materials, using pigs protected under the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Jamón de Teruel, as well as carefully selected white pigs to ensure excellence.

Currently, almost 50% of their production is destined for export, with a strong presence in 12 international markets, in addition to Spain.

Among these countries are: Germany, Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Chile, France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine.

Their range of products is divided into the following categories:

- Hams: Gran Reserva, Gran Reserva 50% Duroc, Jamón de Teruel PDO, and Shoulder.

- Sausages: Salchichón, Chorizo, Longaniza de Aragón, and Longaniza without Preservatives.

- Cured Meats: 50% Duroc Cured Loin, 50% Duroc Loin without Preservatives, Beef Cecina, Sheep Cecina, 50% Duroc Pork Neck, and Cured Bacon.

- Preserves: Loin, Longaniza, Rib, and Assorted.

Thanks to meticulous attention to detail and their commitment to quality, the products from this sausage factory not only stand out in the local market but have also earned the recognition and trust of consumers in many corners of the world.

What is the value proposition of JAMONES CASTELFRIO?

Purchasing service

What truly distinguishes JAMONES CASTELFRÍO from its competitors is its innovative online purchasing service, which allows customers not only to purchase its products remotely, but also to customise each piece according to their preferences, selecting the level of fat and texture that best suits their tastes.


Cedrillas, known as ‘the capital of cold’ in Aragon, is distinguished by its extreme winters, where temperatures can drop as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius. 

This harsh climate, combined with the characteristic dryness of the region, creates the ideal conditions for a completely natural and superior quality ham curing process.

Walking through the streets is an incomparable sensory experience: the air is infused with the unmistakable aroma of drying hams.

Traditionally, these hams are placed in the attics of the houses, elevated and ventilated spaces, where they remain until they reach perfection. There is no more delicious aroma than that of ham cured with care, time and tradition.

At Castelfrío, the knowledge of the old master ham makers has endured over the years, passed down from generation to generation. This heritage has allowed us to maintain excellence in the curing of hams, which today continues to be completely natural, making the most of the unique qualities of the environment and capturing in each piece the pure aromas of the surrounding countryside.

The production of these hams is a detailed process based on key pillars: a rigorous selection of raw materials, Welfair animal welfare certification, natural curing, prolonged drying, low salt content and, above all, a tradition that respects every step of the process with dedication and patience.

The prestigious Jamón de Teruel DOP, marketed under the brand name ‘Jamones Perfecto’, has reached a historic milestone by obtaining the highest rating in the Tasting Panel of the Regulatory Council, confirming its position as a benchmark of incomparable quality and flavour.

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