Drinks producer DILMOOR
The history of the Dilmoor company has its roots in the first half of the 1950s when Oldmoor Whiskey & Co. was founded in Genoa. In 2012, the acquisition by the multinational La Martiniquaise allowed a further strengthening of the structure and activity. corporate. Today Dilmoor proposes itself as an Italian company leader in the production and marketing of spirits, liqueurs and syrups.
What do DILMOOR do?
Company specialized in the production and marketing of spirits, liqueurs and syrups.
What is the value proposition of DILMOOR?
Manufacturer / Shop
When did you start in the market?
Manufacturer / Shop
The history of the Dilmoor company has its roots in the first half of the 1950s when Oldmoor Whiskey & Co. was founded in Genoa. In 2012, the acquisition by the multinational La Martiniquaise allowed a further strengthening of the structure and activity. corporate. Today Dilmoor proposes itself as an Italian company leader in the production and marketing of spirits, liqueurs and syrups.
What do DILMOOR do?
Company specialized in the production and marketing of spirits, liqueurs and syrups.
What is the value proposition of DILMOOR?
When did you start in the market?
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0 Opinion de DILMOOR
- Quality of service
- Quality/Price Ratio
- Punctuality
- Response time
- After-sales attention