In the natural landscapes of El Lluçanès, near the majestic Pyrenees, a dedicated and passionate family has perfected the art of raising the Pato 5 Bellotas.
With care and deep respect for tradition, they select and adapt the distinguished English "Aylesbury" breed to their land, recognized by experts for its unrivaled qualities: tender, juicy meat rich in aromatic nuances that elevate any culinary preparation, whether roasted, grilled, or in innovative creations.
The raising of the acorn-fed duck, a quality symbol of ANEC 5 AGLANS, is a meticulous process that begins on the first day of the bird's life, ensuring each duckling grows healthy and strong under the care of specialists. This process involves an exclusively natural and balanced diet, with acorns as the essential ingredient, giving the duck an incomparable flavor and aroma that make it the ideal choice for gourmet cuisine.
The slaughterhouse, located on the same farm, is equipped with cutting-edge facilities that meet the strictest standards of hygiene and control, ensuring the highest quality and freshness in every product delivered to consumers. ANEC 5 AGLANS offers an exceptional gastronomic experience, from origin to table.